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GCSE Results 2023

GCSE Results Day

I would like to congratulate each of our students who have achieved success with their GCSE results. It is a testament to their perseverance and commitment that they have met all of the challenges put before them.

We are very pleased and proud of our GCSE outcomes which reflects the high expectations we have for our students. Particular mention to Charlotte Hooper who achieved an outstanding 10 A* grades and to Amy Hyslop and Remy Tobin with 7 and 6A* grades respectively alongside A grades. Congratulations also to Ellie Booth, Leah Creed, Austin Critcher, Taylor England, Tegan Hughes, Menna James, Kayla Jones, Phillip Oloidi, Georgia Parker-Brown, Luke Pritchard, Tilly Rixon, Calum Sharp, Nia Stacey, Megan Stock and Mia Thorne who all achieved 5 or more A*/A grades. Many other students such as Kira-Lea Crockett, Morgan Fear, Riley Field, Lilia Fortt, Sasha Hillman, Calum Instrell, Gabrielle Mardon-Hughes, Garyn Talbot, Kayden Scourfield and Corey Vranch should also be very proud of the grades they have received and much deserved for the commitment they have shown to achieve their very best. Well done everyone.


We are also delighted with the positive outcomes achieved by many of our students in Year 10 who have received GCSE grades in different subjects. This includes Maren Billie, Daniel Bowler, Emilie Doxsey and Tomos Jones amongst many others who now have a very firm foundation from which to start Year 11. They should now return in September with the confidence to know they are capable of achieving greater success as the final cohort of Year 11 students who will complete qualifications in 2024 as a part of Pontypridd High.


Through the course of their GCSE studies each student has been required to adapt to new expectations and of course the demands of sitting examinations and being assessed at the highest standards. What we know about our school is that support has been offered in so many different ways and this has proved to be an essential part of maintaining a positive outlook when times were difficult. Alongside this I am also very much aware of the strong relationships we have established with each family over a number of years and as staff we greatly appreciate the support you have given.

Mr Bill Davies, Chair of Governors would also like to acknowledge what has been achieved and pass on his congratulations to all students on their results, in addition to thanking staff for their continued hard work and the support they have provided in school and through periods of home learning.

We are extremely proud of every student and as staff and governors we thank those students who are now leaving us for their contribution to our School and wish them well as they move on to new opportunities beyond Pontypridd High.

Huw Cripps
