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Year 11 Prom

In July we celebrated the end of Year 11 with our Leaver’s Prom at Bryn Meadows Golf and Country Club.

We are incredibly proud of the way our Year 11 pupils have worked over the course of their time at Pontypridd High School and particularly over the last three years.

Year 11 presents many challenges for pupils including coursework deadlines, speaking and listening examinations and written examinations. The class of 2023 have taken all of this in their stride, engaging positively with all the help and support provided by staff to ensure the best possible chance of success.

After all of this hard work the prom was a perfect opportunity for pupils and staff to enjoy a night of celebration together. Year 11 pupils were impeccably dressed and represented the school in an exemplary manner. Mr Cripps also took the opportunity to thank Year 11 for their contributions to our school and to wish them all a very happy and successful future. Congratulations class of 2023, and we look forward to seeing you all on results day in August.