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Notices, News & Events


May 2022

  • Royal Artist

    Published 27/05/22

    A bit of good news to end the half term: 

    We entered Adeesha Wickramaratne’s (year 10) artwork as the PHS RCT Jubilee competition entry and we have just been informed that he has won in the Secondary School category.


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  • Cilfynydd AFC U12s are Winners!

    Published 20/05/22


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  • Rugby Triumph

    Published 04/05/22

    Congratulations on an excellent 24-14 win over Cyfartha High School yesterday. 

    An outstanding effort by all pupils and a great way to end Year 11 rugby.

    Tries scored by:

    Nathan Jones

    Rowan Murphy

    Kodi Johnson

    Rowan Murphy with 3 conversions and 1 penalty

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