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Notices, News & Events


February 2021

  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Published 05/02/21

    We hope that you have enjoyed taking part in some well-being activities this week during registration and our well-being day yesterday. Please don’t forget that we are here to help and support you whenever you need us. 

    We want to end the week with a reminder to always look for a positive in every situation!

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  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Published 04/02/21

    This morning’s registration focuses on a discussion about these affirmations. It is really important to remind ourselves of the things that we can do, the ways that we can feel and the things that we can and cannot control. Save this image to look back at when you need a little positivity! 

    Today is a PHS Well-being Day. Remember to spend some time doing something that makes you feel happy or lets you express your thoughts and feelings. 

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  • Children's' Mental Health Week

    Published 03/02/21

    We know that it can be difficult to talk about mental health, for the person speaking and for the person listening. Here are some tips (things to do and not to do) when having these types of conversations. Remember that you can reach out to someone that you trust, in school or at home, if you would like support or to start a conversation. 

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  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Published 02/02/21

    This morning's registration focuses on the Children's Mental Health Week theme of 'Express Yourself' and looks at ways that you can do this as well as reasons why it is so important to do it! Remember, expressing your thoughts and feelings doesn't always have to be in the form of a conversation, or even words. Think about the things that you enjoy doing and how they help you to express yourself.  Spend some time doing them this week!

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