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Letter from the Head of School (8th Sept)

Letter from the Head of School - Mrs Kayleigh Oliver

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am delighted to be able to write my first letter as Head of School for Pontypridd High School. This summer we again achieved outstanding GCSE results and will be looking to continue to build upon this throughout 2023/24. As many of you will be aware this is the final year of Pontypridd High School, it is therefore imperative that we continue with our excellent standards and achieve the very best throughout 2023/24.

 As we start our new academic year I am excited to inform you of the work that has happened over the summer break. The school has received a huge amount of investment so far with more planned in the coming year. So far we have seen a new state-of-the-art Drama Studio, new Art facilities, new Hospitality & Catering kitchens as part of the Health & Well-being faculty, new ICT suites, a new Construction workshop and new toilet facilities. In addition to this we now have Morgan Sindall on site working on what will be the lower school for Ysgol Bro Taf and also building our new 3G all weather sports pitch. The facilities are sector leading and I must pass on my thanks to all parties involved in this extensive refurbishment.

Here at Pontypridd High School we have and will continue to ensure the very best learning experiences for our pupils in addition to ensuring pupil well-being is a priority. As a newly appointed ‘Head of School’ it is my priority to ensure we create a vibrant learning organisation with collaboration and innovation at the core. I believe firmly in establishing positive working relationships and look forward to working with all families and external agencies in partnership over the coming year, to ensure the very best for our pupils.

As we look forward to welcoming pupils back to site tomorrow, I want to take this opportunity to remind all stakeholders of the following:

Throughout the year my aim to ensure regular communication and to ensure we celebrate the successes of our young people. I thank you in advance for your continued support and look forward to working together throughout the year.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kayleigh Oliver

Head of School